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  4. Научная статья № 10

Просмотры  59 просмотров

Shaikhutdinova R.R., Valiev B.A., Valeeva G.M.




The proposed modernization of the installation by replacing contact devices in the distillation column. Considered oil separation methods of absorption, extraction, extractive crystallization, adsorption, distillation. Methods for separation of oil by absorption, extraction, extractive crystallization, adsorption, distillation are considered   

Ключевые слова:
oil, rectification, atmospheric column   

Foam fire extinguishing installations are mainly used to extinguish highly flammable liquids and flammable liquids in tanks, combustible substances and petroleum products located both inside buildings and in the open air [1]. Foam is a collection of bubbles, which helps to eliminate the fire, mainly due to the effect of surface quenching. Bubbles occur when water is mixed with the foaming agent. Foam is lighter than the lightest flammable oil product, therefore, when applied to a burning oil product, it remains on its surface. Foams are used in various fire extinguishing systems, including stationary fire extinguishing systems (warehouses, fuel storage tanks, etc.) and manual (municipal fire engines, emergency response vehicles at airports, portable fire extinguishers) [2]. Fire-fighting foams are primarily a mixture of surfactants in an aqueous solution. Since the transportation and storage of the entire foam solution is impractical in most cases, it is supplied as a concentrate. The water and air needed to create the finished foam is delivered to the site immediately prior to use. The extinguishing properties of the foam are: - the insulating effect - the foam prevents the entry of combustible vapors and gases into the combustion zone, as a result of which the burning stops; - the cooling effect is largely inherent in low expansion foam containing a large amount of liquid. Physical and chemical properties of foam. Foam has the stability, the ability to retain the original properties, that is, to resist destruction in the pasting time. The multiplicity is the ratio of the volume of the foam to the volume of the foaming agent solution contained in the foam [3]. The dispersion of the foam is the degree of grinding bubbles (their sizes). The foam also has electrical conductivity and viscosity, that is, the ability to conduct electrical current and the ability of the foam to spread over the surface, respectively. Marks of foam marked with lower dosing rates have higher concentrations of active ingredients. Similarly, foam concentrate products with a higher dosage have lower concentrations of active ingredients (foams are more dilute). The trend is to develop products with a lower dosing rate due to the obvious benefits of transporting and storing diluted products. Positive qualities are: 1. Despite some limitations, the foam is very effective in fighting the fires of classes A and B. 2. Foam - a fire extinguishing agent with a cooling effect. 3. Creates a vapor barrier that prevents flammable vapor from escaping. 


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Номер журнала Вестник науки №8 (17) том 2


Ссылка для цитирования:

Shaikhutdinova R.R., Valiev B.A., Valeeva G.M. FIRE EXTINGUISHING IN THE CONDITIONS OF USE OF REFINERIES // Вестник науки №8 (17) том 2. С. 38 - 40. 2019 г. ISSN 2712-8849 // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/1994 (дата обращения: 07.05.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: vestnik-nauki.com/article/1994

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